The Bruna is an organization like many others in the world. People come together to share a common interest or past experiences. Some people leave the country where they were born and find through immigration a new homestead. Often they wish then, to get together with others of similar experiences and background. For example, there are many different nationalities in the United States and they are all called Americans. Many though, hold on to their native nationality and form a group with similar interests.

When the Czechs expelled the Germans from Bruenn, from the city, where their ancestors had lived for centuries, the Germans decided to found the "Bruna". This organization is named after the old name of their hometown. The purpose of the Bruna was, to keep the memories of the German historical past alive. For that reason, historical facts have been collected and stored in archives. These contain informations of the Germans' activities and achievements in Bruenn. We believe, since Europe is getting more united, the Czech Republic will reflect back to the common years with the Germans. The Communists had tried in vain for over forty years, to completely erase these historical times.

It was bold and far-sighted, when the President of the Czech Republic, Václav Havel, spoke on February 17,1995 at the Karls-University in Prag and said: "it does not come easily to some Czechs to admit to themselves, that tremendous damage was inflicted to the democracy and to themselves, when they accepted the idea of expelling the Germans."

(Original version: "..jako pro mnohé Čechy...není lehké přiznat si, jak ublížili demokracii, a tím i sami sobě přijetím myšlenky poválečného vyhnání Němců z jejich domova.")

We, expelled Germans, found a city, willing to sponsor us, by the name of Schwäbisch Gmünd, which is approximately 50 km East of Stuttgart. It was possible to establish small archives and a modest Homeland-Museum. Many items are kept in remembrance of the old homestead.

There is still a small amount of Germans living in Bruenn. They formed an organization known as "The German Language and Culture Union". The Bruna is supporting this group and arranges joint meetings and also maintains contact with Czech dialogue partners, mostly for the purpose of reconciliation.

In remembrance of our dead, especially for those of the "Deathmarch" (see under Deathmarch of Bruenn), we erected monuments in Bruenn, South Moravia, Austria and Germany. The Bruna also publishes Periodicals (see under BHB) and keeps the memories alive through their books.